Sunday, September 25, 2005

an add for sun glasses Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 16, 2005


Males should know
If when she comes your way you don't want to fuck up then listen,you don't have to believe me though.Here it is:There is no such persons as sluts,whores,tarts,prostitutes,meat-holes or whatever morons invented to keep women down, There is just beautiful,sweet,loving,careful,sensitive and careful girls and women who are made for love and loving,God made one for you,make sure to fill up her dreams when she comes around,don't be an idiot,don't miss your chance,be generous and forget words like 'bitch,cumbag and so on.....'THIS WARNING MIGHT COME JUST IN TIME FOR SOME OF YOU,CAREFUL,YOU MAY HURT YOURSELF FOR A VERY LONG TIME
A few snaps following Posted by Picasa
OOOOOHHHHH Posted by Picasa
caption Posted by Picasa
Mediterranean girl Posted by Picasa
Med girl Posted by Picasa