Friday, September 16, 2005


Males should know
If when she comes your way you don't want to fuck up then listen,you don't have to believe me though.Here it is:There is no such persons as sluts,whores,tarts,prostitutes,meat-holes or whatever morons invented to keep women down, There is just beautiful,sweet,loving,careful,sensitive and careful girls and women who are made for love and loving,God made one for you,make sure to fill up her dreams when she comes around,don't be an idiot,don't miss your chance,be generous and forget words like 'bitch,cumbag and so on.....'THIS WARNING MIGHT COME JUST IN TIME FOR SOME OF YOU,CAREFUL,YOU MAY HURT YOURSELF FOR A VERY LONG TIME


Blogger Gel said...

I've wanted to write what you wrote so well here. I am disgusted by the words used on so many blogs I read that degrade women or men! I'm ALL FOR FREE SPEECH, so I've not been able to think of a way to blog this topic. I also am playful and joke around but those words are not funny or endearing.

I don't call my lovers names or descriptions like "love handles" if that Offended that person! So I'm not merely talking about "cuss words."

It's not an issue of free speech though. Like you say so well here, it's consideration and love. (I have no problem if both people who are friends or intimates truly enjoy being called certain names, but that's for PRIVATE use.)

To see "bitch", "cunt", "bastard" etc splayed across the internet, the media, and other places is not conducive to love and respect..

Also, in my lifetime, I've known both men and women who have changed their morals. I pass no judgement. I am friends with those some would call "sluts" or "sleezebags" but this is foremost: those PEOPLE are cherished by me. It is how THEY BEHAVE *now*. I do not give past judgement and do not endorse putting ANYONE down for ANY reason.

Those who perpetuate in such name calling and subsequent actions like violence in words and physical form are trying to fulfill their unnatural need for power and control.

Terrific post GPV. XXXOOO from the USA P.S. I think you'd like my newest post at SilkenThreads, too...

2:22 AM  
Blogger GPV said...

Yes Gel,I check on both your blogs every now and then but it's not often that I've something to say,
I feel like just saying hello but I'm afraid to come short on some
topics.'ll see you around,cheerios.

5:47 PM  
Blogger Kel-Bell said...

You are so right!
Any use of derogitary name calling is an evil act of power, designed to put another person down as a way to elevate ones self, but it is a false pedistal, for it does not actually lift anyone, it just drags them both into the mud.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Indeterminacy said...

You said that really well. The fact that this sentiment is so seldom heard above the drone of cheap vocabulary is something to be sad about. I try in the stories I write at my blog to show the deepest respect for the beautiful girls/women whose photos I find. I want my stories to be a form of worship of their beauty. I hope people will say I succeed at this.

GPV: Thank you for contributing the story that you did. I've reposted it here (page down a bit). Anyone who happens upon this comment: please read the story. It's movingly beautiful.

1:01 AM  
Blogger GPV said...

Indeterminacy, I am really flattered by your comment on my post since I take you to be the real pro and sensitive writer of short stories that I enjoy each time on visit to your blog,I'm glad to have succeded posting a story in english since I left the states when I was my vocabulary is kind of short.thx.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Gel said...

I clicked on the link and read your poignant story from so tender an age. Memories forever in your heart.

"sometimes it rains on my pillow"- I'm crying from your beautiful saying for more reasons than your lovely words. You see, I'm a
a brunette who has recently survived several car accidents and whose main teenage love interest miraculously did survive from a brain tumor. I'm spooked because people of the walking/dancing reference and especially her name...So many interconnections among those we run across.
(Your command of English is just fine!)

5:10 PM  

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